Mumbai (PTI): An arbiter on Saturday passed an interim order restraining Pakistani player Mohammad Yousuf from participating in the Indian Premier League (IPL), an Indian Cricket League (ICL) lawyer said.”Justice (retd) Dr B P Saraf passed an interim order restraining Yousuf from participating in IPL in any manner,” said ICL’s lawyer Hitesh Jain.Jain said now there would be a final hearing, which is likely to commence in July.

Yousuf and ICL are caught up in legal wrangle, as the Essel Group-bankrolled ICL alleged that the player breached his earlier contract with them and signed up for the IPL.The dispute then landed before arbiter Dr Saraf who, on December 15 last year, restrained Yousuf from playing for any rival league till further orders.Though Yousuf signed up for IPL, he was not picked up by any of the IPL franchise teams.

Advocate Jain said Saturday’s order was a first of its kind in Indian sports. “It is significant for IPL too,” the ICL laywer said.At this stage, no penalty has been imposed on Yousuf, but the arbiter may contemplate such action at the time of the final decision, he added.
