Cricket fans have lauded the live coverage of Indian Premier League (IPL) matches on the Geo Super.According to a survey conducted by ‘The News,’ people of all ages watch IPL cricket matches on Geo Super channel. During match hours, cricket fans miss all other private channels.
“All credit goes to Geo Super for providing live coverage of all IPL matches,” Munir Ahmed, a cricket lover, told ‘The News’ here on Monday. People enjoy watching all matches, particularly those in which national players are participating. No other TV channel, including Pakistan Television, has taken initiative to telecast IPL matches. Only Geo Super has been telecasting IPL matches, he said.
“People could not enjoy the Pakistan-India series last time when the government imposed a ban on Geo transmission. But this time around we are enjoying the live transmission of IPL matches,” Uzma Irfan, another cricket lover, said.
She said that Geo is her favourite channel as compared to other channels in the country because its channels telecast a variety of programmes catering to all segments of society. ‘In times of high inflation, people get some relief by watching IPL matches,” she said.