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For the first time after he was sacked as the CEO of Bangalore Royal Challengers, Charu Sharma has spoken out exclusively to TIMES NOW. Refuting reports in the Pakistani newspaper ‘The Jung’, which claimed that the decision to keep Misbah on the bench in some of the IPL matches led to Sharma’s ouster, Charu Sharma categorically said that the report is a figment of someone’s imagination and that he never had any powers in the first place to pick or drop any player.

“It’s absolutely fantastic in terms of its incredible allegation. I wish I had the power to select the team, unfortunately that was not the case. Nothing could be further than the truth. I didn’t have that kind of power in the first place to pick up or drop any player in the team. ‘The Jung’ probably gets to get its news ratified before it goes further on the news. I wish the newspaper had checked their facts,” Charu Sharma said. He further added:”Misbah is a valuable player, the team would have played him as soon as they could.”

The report alleged that Vijay Mallya, the owner of the Bangalore team, had specifically told Sharma to convey his reservations to the team management over the decision not to play Misbah.According to the Pakistani newspaper ‘The Jung’, Bangalore Royal Challengers sacked its CEO Charu Sharma for benching Misbah-ul-Haq while coach Venkatesh Prasad saved his job by apologising for ignoring the Pakistani player.

‘The Jung’ claimed that the decision to keep Misbah on the bench in some of the IPL matches led to Sharma’s ouster and according to the report, Prasad too was on his way out before he tendered an apology and escaped a similar treatment. According to the daily, Prasad was sacked by the owner of the Bangalore team, Vijay Mallya, but the coach later
apologised and agreed to set things right due to which his termination orders were taken back. Prasad, however, was told that his performance was being monitored, it added.

Category: Indian Premier League News

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